Our students have become accustomed to adventures out in the community classroom, and have become eager examples of grace and courtesy out in the community.
In the classroom, our focus has been on observing the traditional Montessori work cycle in the mornings, in order to make the best use of the student’s focus, and to develop independence, concentration, and motivation through academic work detailed on their individual work plans.
The students have found such joy in their learning, and are excited to share their lessons and followup work with any visitors.
The Uninterrupted Work Time is a venerable pillar of the Montessori method we employ. The Association of Montessori Internationale details this regarding Uninterrupted Work Time:
“Through years of observation around the world, Montessori came to understand that children, when left in freedom, displayed a distinct work cycle which was so predictable it could even be graphed. This cycle, with two peaks and one valley, lasted approximately three hours. In Montessori schools children have three hours of open, uninterrupted time to choose independent work, become deeply engaged, and repeat to their own satisfaction.”
Students at The T.E.C. School eagerly approach this part of their day with joy and motivation- and are able to progress through their Work Plans at their own pace, developing deep concentration, independence, and intrinsic motivation.
It is, essentially, that which sets a Montessori education apart from traditional schooling, and the benefits are lifelong, and incredible.
A Montessori education is child-centered, child-led. Instruction is individualized, and there is an emphasis on developing a desire to learn and to work collaboratively. T.E.C. students are well-rounded and thorough, giving the student tools for great success past the classroom.
Our students are building a foundation that they can depend on as adults to reach their potential and their goals. A T.E.C. education fosters creativity, innovation, focus, collaboration, determination, discipline, desire and love of learning in all students.